03 Jun 2024

Drip.com Review: Powerful Email Marketing for E-commerce

Discover how Drip.com's email marketing platform can boost your e-commerce business with advanced automation, segmentation, and personalisation features.

Drip.com Review: Powerful Email Marketing for E-commerce

Introduction to Drip.com

What is Drip.com?

Drip.com is a powerful e-commerce customer relationship management (ECRM) platform designed to help online businesses grow through effective email marketing and automation. It offers a comprehensive suite of tools that enable e-commerce brands to create personalised, targeted marketing campaigns that drive customer engagement and boost sales.

Brief history and background

Drip was founded in 2013 by Rob Walling and Derrick Reimer. Initially, it started as a lightweight email marketing tool, but quickly evolved to focus on the needs of e-commerce businesses. In 2016, Drip was acquired by Leadpages, which accelerated its growth and feature development. Since then, Drip has continued to innovate and establish itself as a leading ECRM platform for online retailers of all sizes.

Key features overview

Drip offers a robust set of features tailored for e-commerce marketing:

  • Email marketing: Create and send engaging email campaigns with ease.
  • Automation workflows: Build complex, multi-step marketing workflows visually.
  • E-commerce integrations: Seamlessly connect with popular platforms like Shopify, WooCommerce, and Magento.
  • Advanced segmentation: Target customers based on behaviour, purchase history, and other custom factors.
  • Personalisation: Deliver tailored content and product recommendations to each subscriber.
  • Multi-channel marketing: Extend your reach beyond email to SMS and social media platforms.
  • Analytics and reporting: Gain insights into campaign performance and customer behaviour.
  • Lead scoring: Identify and prioritise your most valuable leads and customers.
  • A/B testing: Optimise your campaigns for better performance.
  • Revenue attribution: Track the impact of your marketing efforts on sales.

These features work together to provide e-commerce businesses with a powerful toolkit for nurturing customer relationships, driving engagement, and ultimately increasing revenue.

User Interface and Ease of Use

Dashboard overview

Drip’s dashboard serves as the central hub for managing your e-commerce marketing efforts. Upon logging in, users are greeted with a clean, well-organised interface that provides quick access to key metrics and recent campaign performance. The dashboard typically displays:

  • Subscriber growth trends
  • Recent campaign statistics
  • Revenue generated from email marketing
  • Quick links to create new campaigns or workflows
  • Notifications for important account activities

This at-a-glance view helps marketers quickly assess their current performance and identify areas requiring attention.

Drip’s interface is designed with user-friendliness in mind:

  • Top navigation bar: Provides access to main sections like Campaigns, Automations, Subscribers, and Analytics.
  • Side menu: Offers quick links to frequently used tools and settings.
  • Contextual menus: Appear when working within specific sections, providing relevant options and actions.
  • Consistent design: Maintains a uniform look and feel across different areas of the platform.

The layout is intuitive, with logical groupings of related functions. This structure allows users to find what they need quickly, reducing the time spent navigating the platform.

Learning curve and onboarding process

While Drip offers advanced features, it strives to maintain accessibility for users of all skill levels:

  • Guided tour: New users are offered an initial walkthrough of key features.
  • Tooltips and help icons: Provide in-context explanations of various functions and options.
  • Video tutorials: Available within the platform to guide users through specific tasks.
  • Templates and pre-built workflows: Help users get started quickly with common marketing scenarios.

The learning curve for basic functions is relatively gentle, allowing most users to start creating simple campaigns and workflows within a few hours. However, mastering more advanced features like complex automations or detailed segmentation may require more time and practice.

Drip’s onboarding process includes:

  • Setup wizards for initial account configuration
  • Prompts to connect e-commerce platforms and import existing customer data
  • Suggestions for initial campaigns based on common e-commerce scenarios
  • Email courses and webinars for ongoing education

While Drip is powerful, its user-friendly interface and comprehensive onboarding resources help to flatten the learning curve, enabling marketers to become productive quickly while still providing room for advanced users to leverage its full capabilities.

Email Marketing Capabilities

Email campaign creation

Drip offers a robust and user-friendly email campaign creation process:

  • Intuitive drag-and-drop editor: Easily design visually appealing emails without coding knowledge.
  • Rich media support: Incorporate images, videos, and dynamic content to engage subscribers.
  • Mobile responsiveness: Ensure emails look great on all devices with automatic mobile optimisation.
  • Personalisation tokens: Insert subscriber-specific information like names, past purchases, or custom fields.
  • Dynamic content blocks: Display different content to different segments within the same email.
  • Preview and test functionality: Check how emails will appear across various email clients before sending.

The platform supports various campaign types, including:

  • One-off broadcasts
  • Automated sequences
  • Triggered emails based on subscriber actions or events

Template library and customisation options

Drip provides a diverse template library to kickstart your email design process:

  • Pre-designed templates: A range of professionally designed templates for various e-commerce scenarios (e.g., welcome series, abandoned cart, product recommendations).
  • Blank canvas option: Start from scratch for fully customised designs.
  • Saved templates: Create and save your own templates for future use.

Customisation options are extensive:

  • Brand kit: Store your brand colours, logos, and fonts for quick application across templates.
  • CSS editing: Advanced users can fine-tune designs with custom CSS.
  • Layout flexibility: Adjust column structures, spacing, and content placement to match your vision.
  • Image editing: Basic image manipulation tools are available within the editor.

A/B testing features

Drip’s A/B testing capabilities allow marketers to optimise their email campaigns:

  • Subject line testing: Compare different subject lines to improve open rates.
  • Content variation testing: Test different email copy, images, or layouts to see what resonates best with your audience.
  • Send time optimisation: Determine the best time to send emails for maximum engagement.
  • Segment-specific testing: Run tests on specific customer segments to fine-tune your approach.

Key features of Drip’s A/B testing include:

  • Statistical significance calculator: Helps determine when a test has yielded reliable results.
  • Automatic winner selection: Option to automatically send the winning variation to the remaining audience.
  • Detailed results reporting: View comprehensive data on how each variation performed.
  • Multi-variable testing: Test multiple elements simultaneously for more complex optimisation.

Drip’s email marketing capabilities combine ease of use with powerful features, enabling e-commerce businesses to create, customise, and optimise their email campaigns effectively. The platform’s focus on personalisation and testing empowers marketers to deliver relevant, engaging content that drives results.

Automation and Workflows

Visual workflow builder

Drip’s visual workflow builder is a standout feature, offering a powerful yet intuitive way to create complex marketing automations:

  • Drag-and-drop interface: Easily construct workflows by connecting various actions and decision points.
  • Visual representation: Get a clear, bird’s-eye view of your entire automation sequence.
  • Real-time editing: Make changes to live workflows without interrupting active customer journeys.
  • Branching logic: Create multiple paths based on subscriber actions or data points.
  • Workflow analytics: Monitor performance metrics directly within the workflow view.

Key components of the visual workflow builder include:

  • Triggers: Start automations based on specific events or conditions.
  • Actions: Define what happens at each step (e.g., send an email, apply a tag, update a custom field).
  • Decision points: Create branches based on subscriber behaviour or attributes.
  • Delays and time-based actions: Schedule actions to occur after specific time intervals.

Pre-built automation templates

To help users get started quickly, Drip offers a library of pre-built automation templates:

  • Welcome series: Introduce new subscribers to your brand and products.
  • Abandoned cart recovery: Re-engage potential customers who left items in their cart.
  • Post-purchase follow-up: Nurture customers after a sale to encourage repeat purchases.
  • Win-back campaigns: Attempt to re-activate dormant subscribers.
  • Product recommendation series: Suggest relevant products based on past purchases or browsing behaviour.

These templates:

  • Are fully customisable: Adjust any element to fit your specific needs and brand voice.
  • Serve as learning tools: Help users understand best practices in e-commerce automation.
  • Save time: Provide a solid starting point that can be quickly implemented and refined.

Trigger options and flexibility

Drip offers a wide range of trigger options to initiate automations, providing flexibility to respond to various customer actions and data points:

  • E-commerce triggers:
    • Product purchased
    • Cart abandoned
    • Order fulfilled
    • Refund issued
  • Subscriber behaviour triggers:
    • Email opened
    • Link clicked
    • Form submitted
    • Page viewed
  • Tag-based triggers:
    • Tag applied or removed
    • Custom field updated
  • Time-based triggers:
    • Specific date reached
    • Anniversary of a past event

The platform’s flexibility extends beyond initial triggers:

  • Multi-trigger workflows: Start automations based on a combination of events or conditions.
  • Exit criteria: Define when a subscriber should leave a workflow.
  • Re-entry settings: Control whether subscribers can re-enter completed workflows.
  • Workflow splits: Create branches within workflows based on subscriber data or actions.
  • Integration triggers: Initiate automations based on events in connected third-party tools.

Drip’s automation capabilities strike a balance between power and usability. The visual workflow builder makes it easy to create sophisticated marketing sequences, while the pre-built templates offer quick wins. The diverse trigger options and overall flexibility of the system allow e-commerce businesses to create highly targeted, responsive automations that can significantly improve customer engagement and drive sales.

E-commerce Integration

Compatible e-commerce platforms

Drip offers seamless integration with a wide range of e-commerce platforms, making it a versatile choice for online retailers:

  • Shopify: Deep integration allowing for real-time data synchronisation and advanced automation capabilities.
  • WooCommerce: Robust connection for WordPress-based online stores.
  • Magento: Comprehensive integration for both Magento 1 and 2.
  • BigCommerce: Sync customer data and purchase history effortlessly.
  • Custom platforms: API access for bespoke e-commerce solutions.

Additional integrations include:

  • Payment gateways: Stripe, PayPal, and others for transaction data.
  • Third-party tools: Zapier, Segment, and various point-of-sale systems.

These integrations allow for:

  • Automatic customer data import
  • Real-time order and product data synchronisation
  • Triggered automations based on store events
  • Revenue attribution across marketing channels

Product recommendations

Drip’s product recommendation feature leverages customer data to drive personalised marketing:

  • Algorithm-driven suggestions: Utilise purchase history and browsing behaviour to recommend relevant products.
  • Dynamic content blocks: Insert personalised product recommendations directly into emails.
  • Cross-sell and upsell opportunities: Suggest complementary or higher-value products based on past purchases.
  • Bestseller recommendations: Showcase popular items to new or browsing customers.
  • Category-based recommendations: Suggest products from categories the customer has shown interest in.

Implementation options include:

  • Automated email series featuring recommended products
  • Standalone product recommendation campaigns
  • Integration of product suggestions into regular newsletters
  • Triggered emails based on specific product views or category interests

Abandoned cart recovery

Drip’s abandoned cart recovery features are designed to help e-commerce businesses recapture potentially lost sales:

  • Automated workflows: Set up multi-step sequences to re-engage customers who have left items in their cart.
  • Customisable timing: Control when and how often reminder emails are sent.
  • Dynamic content: Automatically include images and details of abandoned items in recovery emails.
  • Incentive management: Easily add and manage discount codes or special offers in recovery campaigns.
  • Multi-channel approach: Combine email, SMS, and ad retargeting for comprehensive cart recovery.

Key features of Drip’s abandoned cart recovery include:

  • Visual workflow builder: Create complex recovery sequences with ease.
  • Segmentation capabilities: Target different recovery strategies based on cart value, customer history, or other factors.
  • A/B testing: Optimise recovery emails for maximum effectiveness.
  • Revenue attribution: Track the success of your abandoned cart campaigns.
  • Cross-sell opportunities: Suggest alternative or complementary products in recovery emails.

Drip’s e-commerce integration capabilities demonstrate its focus on serving online retailers. By offering robust connections with major e-commerce platforms, sophisticated product recommendation features, and powerful abandoned cart recovery tools, Drip provides a comprehensive solution for e-commerce businesses looking to maximise their marketing effectiveness and drive sales growth.

Segmentation and Personalisation

Customer data management

Drip’s customer data management capabilities form the foundation for effective segmentation and personalisation:

  • Unified customer profiles: Consolidate data from multiple sources into a single view for each customer.
  • Custom fields: Create and track unlimited custom data points specific to your business needs.
  • Behavioural tracking: Automatically capture customer interactions with your website and emails.
  • Historical data: Store and access a comprehensive history of customer purchases and engagement.
  • Data cleansing tools: Maintain data accuracy with built-in cleaning and deduplication features.
  • Import and export functionality: Easily move data in and out of the platform as needed.

Key features include:

  • Real-time data updates: Ensure customer profiles reflect the most current information.
  • Tag management: Apply and remove tags automatically based on customer actions or attributes.
  • Integration hub: Connect with third-party tools to enrich customer data further.
  • GDPR compliance tools: Manage customer data in line with privacy regulations.

Segmentation capabilities

Drip offers powerful segmentation tools to target your marketing efforts effectively:

  • Visual segment builder: Create complex segments using a user-friendly interface.
  • Multi-condition segmentation: Combine various data points to define highly specific audience groups.
  • Behavioural segmentation: Target customers based on their interactions with your brand.
  • Purchase history segmentation: Group customers by products bought, order value, or purchase frequency.
  • Engagement-based segmentation: Segment by email engagement levels, website visits, or other interaction metrics.
  • Dynamic segments: Automatically update segment membership as customer data changes.

Segmentation options include:

  • Demographic data: Age, location, gender, etc.
  • E-commerce behaviour: Cart abandonment, product views, purchase patterns.
  • Email engagement: Open rates, click-through rates, unsubscribes.
  • Custom field data: Any additional data points you track.
  • Tag-based segmentation: Use tags to create quick, flexible segments.

Dynamic content and personalisation options

Drip’s personalisation features allow for highly tailored communication with your customers:

  • Liquid templating language: Use a powerful syntax for advanced personalisation logic.
  • Dynamic content blocks: Insert personalised sections within emails based on subscriber data.
  • Product recommendations: Automatically include relevant product suggestions in your communications.
  • Personalised subject lines and preheaders: Increase open rates with individualised email headers.
  • Conditional content: Show or hide content based on subscriber attributes or behaviours.
  • Dynamic coupon codes: Generate unique discount codes for individual subscribers.

Personalisation can be applied across various elements:

  • Email content: Tailor the body of your emails to each recipient.
  • Landing pages: Create personalised experiences on your website.
  • SMS messages: Send individualised text messages to your subscribers.
  • Ad targeting: Use customer data to create personalised ad experiences.

Drip’s approach to segmentation and personalisation empowers e-commerce businesses to create highly targeted, relevant marketing campaigns. By leveraging comprehensive customer data management, advanced segmentation capabilities, and flexible personalisation options, marketers can craft messages that resonate with individual customers, potentially increasing engagement, conversion rates, and customer loyalty.

The platform’s user-friendly interfaces for managing these complex tasks make it accessible for marketers of varying skill levels, while still offering the depth and flexibility needed for sophisticated campaign strategies.

Reporting and Analytics

Standard email marketing metrics

Drip provides a comprehensive suite of standard email marketing metrics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your campaigns:

  • Open rates: Track how many recipients open your emails.
  • Click-through rates (CTR): Measure the percentage of subscribers who click on links within your emails.
  • Unsubscribe rates: Monitor how many people opt out of your email list.
  • Bounce rates: Identify both hard and soft bounces to maintain list health.
  • Spam complaint rates: Keep track of subscribers marking your emails as spam.
  • Delivery rates: Ensure your emails are reaching subscribers’ inboxes.
  • List growth rate: Monitor the expansion of your subscriber base over time.

Additional features include:

  • Comparative analytics: Benchmark your performance against industry standards.
  • Trend analysis: View performance changes over time with easy-to-read graphs.
  • Device and email client breakdown: Understand how subscribers are accessing your emails.
  • Geographic data: See where your most engaged subscribers are located.

E-commerce performance tracking

Drip’s e-commerce-focused analytics provide valuable insights into how your email marketing efforts translate to sales:

  • Revenue attribution: Track which emails and campaigns are driving the most sales.
  • Average order value (AOV): Monitor how email marketing impacts your AOV.
  • Conversion rates: Measure the percentage of email recipients who make a purchase.
  • Product performance: See which products are most popular among email subscribers.
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV): Track how email marketing influences long-term customer value.
  • Return on investment (ROI): Calculate the financial return of your email marketing efforts.

E-commerce-specific metrics include:

  • Abandoned cart recovery rate: Measure the success of your cart abandonment campaigns.
  • Post-purchase sequence performance: Track the effectiveness of your follow-up emails.
  • First-time vs repeat customer rates: Understand how email impacts customer retention.
  • Revenue per subscriber: Gauge the overall value of your email list.

Custom report creation

Drip offers flexible options for creating custom reports tailored to your specific business needs:

  • Report builder: Drag and drop different metrics to create custom dashboards.
  • Date range flexibility: Analyse data over custom time periods.
  • Segment-specific reporting: Create reports for particular customer segments.
  • Campaign comparison: Easily compare the performance of different campaigns side by side.
  • Export functionality: Download reports in various formats (CSV, PDF) for further analysis or presentation.

Custom reporting features include:

  • Saved report templates: Create and save custom report layouts for regular use.
  • Scheduled reports: Set up automatic report generation and delivery to stakeholders.
  • Multi-channel reporting: Combine data from email, SMS, and other channels in a single report.
  • Custom metrics: Define and track metrics specific to your business goals.
  • Visualisation options: Choose from various chart types to best represent your data.

Drip’s reporting and analytics capabilities provide e-commerce businesses with a wealth of actionable insights. The combination of standard email metrics, detailed e-commerce performance tracking, and customisable reporting options allows marketers to gain a comprehensive understanding of their campaigns’ effectiveness.

By offering both high-level overviews and granular details, Drip enables data-driven decision-making to optimise marketing strategies and drive business growth. The platform’s focus on e-commerce metrics ensures that businesses can directly link their email marketing efforts to revenue generation, providing clear ROI measurements and highlighting areas for improvement.

Pricing and Plans

Available pricing tiers

Drip offers a straightforward pricing structure based on the number of active subscribers in your account:

  1. Up to 500 subscribers: Starting tier for small businesses or those new to email marketing.
  2. 501 - 2,000 subscribers: Suitable for growing businesses with a modest email list.
  3. 2,001 - 5,000 subscribers: Ideal for established small to medium-sized e-commerce businesses.
  4. 5,001+ subscribers: Custom pricing for larger businesses with more extensive email lists.

Key points about Drip’s pricing model:

  • Monthly billing: Pay-as-you-go with the flexibility to change plans as your subscriber count fluctuates.
  • Annual billing option: Save by committing to an annual plan.
  • Free trial: 14-day trial available to test the platform before committing.
  • No long-term contracts: Cancel or change your plan at any time.

Feature comparison across plans

Drip takes an all-inclusive approach to its feature offerings:

  • All plans include full access to Drip’s features, regardless of the pricing tier.
  • No artificial limits on emails sent per month.
  • Access to all integration options across all plans.

Standard features available in all plans include:

  • Email marketing tools
  • Automation workflows
  • E-commerce integrations
  • Segmentation and personalisation capabilities
  • Reporting and analytics
  • Multi-channel marketing (email, SMS, social)
  • Customer support

The primary difference between plans is the number of active subscribers allowed, not the features available.

Value for money assessment

When evaluating Drip’s value proposition, consider the following factors:


  • All-inclusive feature set: No need to upgrade plans to access advanced features.
  • Scalability: Easily adjust your plan as your subscriber base grows.
  • E-commerce focus: Specialised tools and integrations for online retailers.
  • No email send limits: Unrestricted email volumes can be beneficial for high-volume senders.


  • Potentially higher cost for smaller lists: Compared to some competitors, Drip may be pricier for businesses with smaller subscriber counts.
  • No free plan: Unlike some email marketing tools, Drip doesn’t offer a permanent free tier.

Value considerations:

  • ROI potential: Drip’s e-commerce-specific features may lead to higher conversion rates and revenue, potentially offsetting the cost.
  • Time savings: Automation and integration capabilities can reduce manual work, freeing up resources.
  • Learning curve: While feature-rich, new users may require time to fully leverage all capabilities.
  • Support and resources: Factor in the value of Drip’s customer support and educational materials.

For e-commerce businesses, particularly those looking to leverage advanced automation and personalisation, Drip often provides strong value for money. The platform’s focus on e-commerce functionality and revenue-generating features can justify the investment for many online retailers.

However, very small businesses or those with simple email marketing needs might find better value in more basic, lower-cost solutions. As with any tool, the true value depends on how effectively a business can implement and utilise Drip’s features to drive growth and revenue.

Potential users should take advantage of the free trial to assess how Drip’s capabilities align with their specific business needs and goals before committing to a paid plan.

Customer Support and Resources

Support channels and availability

Drip offers multiple support channels to assist users with their queries and concerns:

  • Email support: Available to all customers, with prioritised response times for higher-tier accounts.
  • Live chat: Accessible directly from the Drip dashboard during business hours.
  • Phone support: Available for enterprise-level accounts or by appointment.
  • Community forum: A platform for users to connect, share ideas, and solve problems collaboratively.

Support availability:

  • Standard support hours: Monday to Friday, typically covering US business hours.
  • Extended hours: Available for higher-tier accounts, offering support across multiple time zones.
  • Self-service options: 24/7 access to knowledge base and documentation.

Response time targets:

  • Priority support for urgent issues related to sending capabilities or account access.
  • Tiered response times based on account level and issue severity.

Knowledge base and documentation

Drip maintains an extensive knowledge base and documentation repository to help users find answers and solve problems independently:

  • Searchable articles: Covering a wide range of topics from basic setup to advanced features.
  • Step-by-step guides: Detailed instructions for common tasks and workflows.
  • Video tutorials: Visual walkthroughs of key features and processes.
  • FAQs: Quick answers to frequently asked questions.
  • API documentation: Comprehensive guides for developers integrating with Drip.

Key features of the knowledge base:

  • Regular updates: Content is frequently refreshed to reflect the latest features and best practices.
  • User feedback system: Allows users to rate the helpfulness of articles and suggest improvements.
  • Related articles: Intelligent suggestions for additional relevant content.
  • Printable guides: Downloadable PDFs for offline reference.

Training and onboarding assistance

Drip provides various resources to help new users get up to speed quickly and assist existing users in expanding their skills:

  • Onboarding webinars: Live sessions introducing new users to Drip’s core features.
  • Getting started guides: Curated content paths for users based on their experience level and goals.
  • Video course library: In-depth training on specific topics and advanced features.
  • Best practice guides: Industry-specific advice on how to maximise Drip’s capabilities.
  • One-on-one onboarding: Personalised setup assistance for higher-tier accounts.

Additional training resources:

  • Regular webinars: Covering new features, case studies, and e-commerce marketing strategies.
  • Email courses: Automated email series teaching various aspects of Drip and email marketing.
  • Blog and resource centre: Articles, ebooks, and guides on e-commerce marketing trends and tactics.
  • Certification program: For users looking to demonstrate their expertise with the platform.

Drip’s approach to customer support and resources aims to cater to users of all levels, from newcomers to experienced marketers. The combination of direct support channels, extensive self-help resources, and ongoing training opportunities provides a comprehensive support ecosystem.

The platform’s focus on e-commerce is reflected in its support content, with many resources tailored specifically to the needs and challenges of online retailers. This specialised knowledge can be particularly valuable for e-commerce businesses looking to optimise their email marketing strategies.

While the availability of phone support is limited to higher-tier accounts, the range of self-service options and the quality of the knowledge base mean that most users can find quick solutions to common issues. The regular updates to documentation and the provision of ongoing training demonstrate Drip’s commitment to supporting users as the platform evolves and as users’ needs grow more sophisticated.

Pros and Cons

Strengths of Drip.com

  1. E-commerce focus:
    • Deep integrations with major e-commerce platforms
    • Tailored features for online retail, such as abandoned cart recovery and product recommendations
  2. Powerful automation capabilities:
    • Visual workflow builder for creating complex, multi-step campaigns
    • Extensive trigger options for highly responsive automations
  3. Advanced segmentation:
    • Detailed customer data management
    • Flexible segmentation based on behaviour, purchases, and custom fields
  4. User-friendly interface:
    • Intuitive drag-and-drop email builder
    • Clear, visual representation of automation workflows
  5. Comprehensive reporting:
    • Detailed e-commerce analytics
    • Revenue attribution to specific campaigns and emails
  6. Personalisation options:
    • Dynamic content capabilities
    • Liquid templating language for advanced customisation
  7. Multi-channel marketing:
    • Integrated email, SMS, and social media capabilities
    • Consistent messaging across channels

Areas for improvement

  1. Pricing structure:
    • Can be expensive for smaller businesses or those with limited subscriber lists
    • No free tier for businesses just starting out
  2. Learning curve:
    • While user-friendly, the wealth of features can be overwhelming for beginners
    • May require time investment to fully leverage all capabilities
  3. Limited direct integrations:
    • While major e-commerce platforms are covered, some users may need to rely on Zapier for certain integrations
  4. Email template variety:
    • The selection of pre-designed templates could be more extensive
  5. Advanced reporting customisation:
    • Some users may find limitations in creating highly customised reports
  6. Mobile app functionality:
    • The mobile app, while available, may not offer full platform capabilities
  7. A/B testing limitations:
    • Some users may desire more advanced multivariate testing options

Comparison with competitors

  1. vs. Mailchimp:
    • Drip offers more advanced e-commerce features and automations
    • Mailchimp provides a free tier and may be more suitable for general email marketing
  2. vs. Klaviyo:
    • Both are strong in e-commerce, but Drip may have an edge in user-friendliness
    • Klaviyo offers more pre-built automation flows out of the box
  3. vs. ActiveCampaign:
    • Drip is more focused on e-commerce, while ActiveCampaign caters to a broader range of businesses
    • ActiveCampaign offers CRM features, which Drip does not
  4. vs. Omnisend:
    • Both specialise in e-commerce, but Omnisend includes features like web push notifications
    • Drip may offer more flexibility in advanced automations
  5. vs. ConvertKit:
    • Drip is more e-commerce-centric, while ConvertKit is geared towards content creators
    • ConvertKit has a simpler interface, which may appeal to less technical users

Drip stands out in the e-commerce email marketing space with its powerful automation capabilities and deep focus on online retail. Its strengths in segmentation, personalisation, and e-commerce integrations make it a strong contender for businesses serious about leveraging email marketing to drive sales.

However, its pricing structure and the complexity of its feature set may not suit all businesses, particularly smaller ones or those new to email marketing. Competitors may offer advantages in specific areas, such as broader business applications or simpler interfaces.

The choice between Drip and its competitors often comes down to the specific needs of the business, the desired level of e-commerce specialisation, and the resources available for managing the platform.


Summary of key points

  • Drip is a powerful e-commerce-focused email marketing and automation platform.
  • Key features include advanced segmentation, personalisation, and a visual workflow builder.
  • The platform offers deep integrations with major e-commerce systems and comprehensive analytics.
  • Pricing is based on subscriber count, with all features available across all tiers.
  • User interface is intuitive, but the wealth of features may require a learning curve.
  • Customer support includes multiple channels, with extensive self-help resources available.

Final verdict

Drip emerges as a robust and specialised solution for e-commerce businesses looking to leverage email marketing and automation to drive sales and customer engagement. Its strengths lie in its deep e-commerce integrations, powerful segmentation capabilities, and flexible automation tools. The platform’s focus on revenue attribution and e-commerce metrics sets it apart in the email marketing landscape.

While Drip excels in many areas, it may not be the ideal choice for every business. The pricing structure and feature complexity could be overwhelming for very small businesses or those new to email marketing. However, for e-commerce operations ready to invest in a sophisticated marketing tool, Drip offers a compelling package that can significantly impact revenue growth and customer retention.

Recommendations for different business types

  1. Small e-commerce startups:
    • Consider Drip if you’re planning rapid growth and can utilise its advanced features.
    • Explore the free trial to assess if the platform aligns with your current needs and skills.
  2. Medium-sized online retailers:
    • Drip is likely an excellent fit, offering the right balance of power and usability.
    • Take advantage of the automation and segmentation features to scale your marketing efforts.
  3. Large e-commerce enterprises:
    • Drip’s advanced capabilities and analytics make it a strong contender.
    • Evaluate how well it integrates with your existing tech stack and scalability needs.
  4. B2B e-commerce businesses:
    • Drip’s segmentation and personalisation features can be valuable for complex B2B sales cycles.
    • Assess how well it handles longer, multi-touch customer journeys.
  5. Subscription-based businesses:
    • Drip’s automation capabilities are well-suited for managing recurring customer relationships.
    • Utilise its customer lifetime value tracking to optimise your marketing strategies.
  6. Multi-channel retailers:
    • If you have both online and offline presence, evaluate how well Drip integrates with your POS and other systems.
    • Leverage its multi-channel capabilities to create cohesive customer experiences.
  7. Content creators or non-e-commerce businesses:
    • While Drip can be used for general email marketing, consider if its e-commerce focus aligns with your needs.
    • Explore alternatives that might offer features more tailored to your business model.

In conclusion, Drip stands out as a potent tool in the e-commerce email marketing space. Its combination of advanced features, user-friendly interface, and focus on driving tangible business results makes it a top choice for many online retailers. However, as with any marketing platform, the key to success lies in how well it aligns with your specific business needs, goals, and resources. Potential users should take advantage of the free trial and carefully evaluate Drip’s features against their current and future marketing requirements before making a decision.

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